Ask the right Questions!
Grab attention and Engage your audience
Create a question, add your options for answers, and watch the magic of response unfold.
Your audience deserves a voice. Give them the platform and means to share their perspective. Jambo offers a unique space for Sayers and Thinkers. Use our Polls feature to get feedback, generate leads, influence opinions, behaviors, and decisions.
Schedule a DemoImagine creating a record of valuable opinions and feedback from your audience. Jambo Polls offers you the opportunity to create this amazingly awesome directory of questions that your people take no hesitation to answer. Available and accessible in the poll section, your admin can navigate through the responses whenever needed.
Schedule a DemoYou won’t get an answer unless you ask! Use Jambo Polls to Interact with Members.
Run important elections and
Let’s have a vote and decide the next step! “Should we hold team meetings every week or fortnightly?” Give your team the right to decide what’s best for each other. Hide responses from members and use it for running elections to vote for another member.
Schedule a DemoTake your poll a notch higher
Up the engagement quotient. Encourage people to answer polls by rewarding them with points for answering correctly. Convert polls to quizzes and make it exciting.
Schedule a DemoOur experts can help set up Jambo for you and your team.